Tuesday 2 December 2014

Organisation of equipment

The cameras that we use are supplied to us by the media department For both of my photo shoots the camera has been easy to use and is suitable for both studio and outside shots, as I was able to attempt many different shots because I could easily move around whilst holding the camera.

For my first photo shoot I used the artificial lighting in the studio. The box lights that we used allowed us to takes shots without shadowing the models face and get a clear image. However for my second shoot I decided to take outside in different areas. I was glad that the day I planned to do the photo shoot wasn't a sunny day as I didn't want my models face to be shadowed by sunlight. But having used different types of lighting I've been able to get suitable shots for my magazine that I was looking for.

I haven't as of yet used any instruments for props which I want to do. However with the two photo shoots that I have already carried out, I have got one of my models to wear a hate which I think links and appeals to my target audience and have also got one of my models to be on a swing which I think give the photos more definition and links more to the genre of my magazine.

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