Monday 29 September 2014

Researching College Magazines

This magazines main colour consists of green and white with a dark background from the central picture. I like in this magazine the way the masthead has been placed as if it is behind the person in the picture. I also like the use of colour. As the picture is dark, the lighter colours for the masthead and the cover stories stand out more and are more easily readable, so they work well together. I like the font that has been used because it isn't too fancy, it looks tidy and it stands out.
I'm not too sure about the darkness that this magazine has. Even though the light coloured writing stands out over the dark picture, my personal opinion is that it gives the magazine a dull look and should include some brightness.
As I like the way the masthead and the cover stories are set out I may consider using a similar style when setting out my own front cover for my college magazine. However I don't think that I would use the colour green for my masthead and stick with my own colour choice.

This second magazine has a colour choice of pink, white and black. Even though the colours work well together this isn't a colour choice I would use for my own magazine as it may only appeal to females in the college. The black writing doesn't work very well on this magazine because it isn't very readable on the darker areas of the picture. I'm also not very keen on the cover stories being written in italic because it doesn't make it look very tidy.
Taking this into consideration the parts of the magazine that I do like would be the way that the masthead has been presented, as the font and the size make it eye-catching and suitable for the purpose of the magazine. However I don't think that I would use any of the ideas from this magazine for my own but it has taught me what not to use.

Monday 22 September 2014

Word cloud to help think of a potential masthead

I created this word cloud to help me think of a potential masthead for my magazine. The words that I have used all associate with my target audience and 'college life'. 

Sunday 21 September 2014

Creative Ideas for the front cover

  • I will use a combination of colours that go well together and will appeal to both male/female students. I will use bright colours to make it more attracting which are most likely to be blue, red and white.
  • For the front cover the main picture should be of a student/group of students as a representation of what the college magazine is for.
  • The font that I decide to use should be bold and not to fancy, so its easily readable and stands out.
  • The font I am thinking of using for the masthead is either 'veranda'  or 'helvetica'.
  • The masthead I use should be quite straight forward and not too complicated, something that relates to the purpose of the magazine so the audience know what they're reading.
  • Cover stories should be included on the front cover of the magazine, so when students look they can instantly see if there is something in the magazine that they might be interested in reading. I also think that stories other than student life in the college, such as celebrities/real life stories should be included in the magazine. 
  • Smaller images should be put on the front cover to link to the cover stories and the main feature.
  • The price/barcode/date/issue is something I should be considering putting on the front cover as well.

Font style ideas for the college magazine

College Magazine - Arial

College Magazine - Courier

College Magazine - Georgia

College Magazine - Helvetica

College Magazine - Times

College Magazine - Trebuchet

College Magazine - Verdana Bold

College Magazine - Verdana

Monday 15 September 2014

Survey Results for my College Magazine

My Initial Response

My initial response to the brief is that its not something I have done before, so I am interested in the idea and i am going to do it to the best of my ability to achieve the task.

Monday 8 September 2014


Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, feature a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).