Monday 20 October 2014

Analysing Indie Magazines

This magazine is fairly simple and doesn't include much information on what is in the magazine. I do like the font used for the masthead and the choice of colour, it stands out to the target audience because it is bold and vibrant. However this magazine gives the look that it would appeal more to the female audience. I would want my magazine to appeal to both male and female. It also doesn't really stand out much either to other magazines, because besides the masthead, there is only really the images and names down the side, which would be included in the magazine. The main feature in the magazine, which is the image, doesn't have a cover story to match which doesn't give it much definition. Even though this magazine is different which is what i'm looking for, it looks to plain to gain any ideas from for my own magazines. I would want to include a lot more to make it more interesting and appeal to the target audience.

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