Thursday 6 November 2014

Analysis of 'Metal Hammer' contents page

This contents page has given me a completely different ideas to what I would want to use for my own magazines. Firstly I like how the text in the column on the second page has been presented. I wouldn't use this particular font for my genre but the way the the title of each cover story is big and bold which stands out and has some inside on each cover story in a smaller font size, looks good and draws in readers to find out more information. On the first page I like how there is a main story and gives the contents more definition and more interesting features. The fonts and images that have been used give a representation of what the genre is and appeal to the target audience. I don't really like the smaller text that there is and the surrounding images/boxes; they give a separate look to the rest of the contents page and look like it could be something that should be included on another page instead. However I do think that this page does appeal to the target audience and links the genre, I have gained a few ideas for my own contents page because of how it has been laid out as it does have a neat and professional look.

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