Tuesday 18 November 2014

Updated ideas

From looking into double pages spreads from existing magazines, I have decided for my own I am going to have my image large at one side of the page. I think the image should stand out and have a direct address to the reader. The conventions I will use will be using similar fonts for cover stories and headings, as I think that this will link the magazine together and not make it look messy. For the article itself I will use a San serif font (size 10), which will be 'calibri' or 'corbel', because this appeals more to my target audience and has more of a 'modern' look than a serif font, and this also links to my genre. I like the idea of quoting something from the article, highlighting it and making it a bigger font size because I think It will bring interest to the reader. Overall I've come up with the idea of basing my article on an interview with a band/singer as I think that this is something that would appeal to my target audience and something they would like to read. 

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