Tuesday 18 November 2014

Double page spread analysis

This double page spread is from Kerrang magazine. A bit like the other page spreads I have looked into, the image takes up a large proportion of the page. The image is the most eye catching feature on the page and draws in the reader because the model(s) links to the text itself and what it's about. Half way through the text, the magazine has quoted something from the article, made it a bigger font size and highlighted it in black so it stands out; this could have been done because it is a key thing mentioned in the article and a reader flicking through the magazine may notice this and want to find out more. I think that the fonts link to the genre of this magazine and appeal to the target audience which is similar to my own. The text size is about 10 and uses a San serif font. Overall I think that this double page spread uses a range of conventions, such as the way the double page spread is presented in this magazine and the fonts used. I think from this it appeals to target audience and draws in the reader because it is something they like. 

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