Tuesday 25 November 2014

Updated ideas from research

Front Cover
  • Main image taking up the majority of the front cover - models in casual clothing
  • Strapline/cover story linking to the main image
  • Masthead - black or white
  • Cover stories - San serif font 
  • Not too much text so it doesn't look over crowded
  • Include a variety of names who would be included in the magazine so the reader knows if they will have any interest in the magazine
  • Pugs in the bottom right corner
Contents page 
  • Use of columns for text
  • Images linking to cover stories surrounding the columns
  • Page numbers larger font size to the rest of the text (around 20)
  • 2 different fonts/sizes - sub headings/cover stories (10-14)
  • All san serif fonts 
  • Space between images - border affect 
Double page spread
  • San serif font 
  • Font size 10 (article)
  • Article based on an interview with indie band/singer
  • One image will use up a whole page
  • Black and white theme

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