Thursday 20 November 2014

Analysis on 'Vogue' magazine contents page

This contents page would be suitable of a target audience similar to my own (15-25) and would appeal more to a female audience. This isn't a music magazine contents page but I thought that I would have a look at another kind of magazine of a similar target audience, to see if I could gain any different ideas. On this contents page I do like the way that the text is in the centre in columns and then surrounded by images. The fonts used are suitable and would appeal to the target audience because it links to the type of magazine that it is. What I don't like about this page is that the images don't have much relevance to the text and don't indicate what page they would link to. However they show a range of different images and all show something different. The text size is about 10 and the sub headings are about 14 which is what I will probably use for my own. Overall this magazine is colourful, stands out and has a very unique presentation. I think that this contents page doesn't look to overcrowded and looks good with the white background.

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